shipping destinations and -cost
Standard shipping (2-3 working days): Under 50€: 6.90€; From 50€: free
Express shipping (1-2 working days): 18.90 €
Standard shipping (3-5 working days): Under 50€: 6.90€; From 50€: free
delivery times
As a rule, all orders leave our warehouse within one working day. You can therefore expect your products within 2-3 working days in Germany and 3-5 working days in Austria after ordering. Shipping may therefore be slightly delayed over weekends and public holidays.
Please check your order for completeness and possible defects immediately after receipt. You can find out more in our terms and conditions.
Would you like to return one or more products?
You can make use of our money-back guarantee within 30 days of receiving the goods. Here's how:
Report your return in our returns portal Send the package on its way and we will refund you the full amount as soon as the package arrives with us and the return is processed.
Returns are always free of charge. In the spirit of customer satisfaction.