High-Lift wing blade | Honda HR 194 & HR 1950 | 47cm cutting width

The original by Bunkowski
Best catching properties
Tuning knives for professionals


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Premium replacement wing blade (high-lift) for mowing and optimal collection of clippings and leaves. Not a classic mulching blade .

 Made in Germany
 Excellent catching properties
 Best cutting performance & durability

Free shipping from 50€ in Germany and Austria


30 day money back guarantee


Fast delivery in 2-3 working days

AGS models
AL-KO/Solo models
Castelgarden models
EMAK/Efco/OleoMac models
Husqvarna models
Honda models HR1950 and HR194
ISEKI models
John-Deere models
Jonsered models
McCulloch models
Partner models
Sabo models
Stiga models
Toro models
Viking models
Other models
Item number original knife Honda 72511-VA5-E40, Honda 72511-VA5-840, Honda 72511-VA5-506, and Honda 72511-VA5-700
Length 464 mm
Diameter of blade holder 24 mm
Hole spacing outside hole 88 mm
Material Hardened steel (27MnCrB5)
Color red

RasenExpert GmbH
Software Center 3
35037 Marburg
E: compliance@rasenexpert.com

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Rex steigende nachfrage

🔥 Popular model!

This lawn mower replacement blade has been frequently purchased by lawn professionals like you for models Honda HR194 .

So give your Honda lawn mower the upgrade it deserves. With our High-Lift wing blade | Honda HR 194 & HR 1950 | 47cm cutting width you're definitely doing everything right!

Check under Suitable Models to see if the lawn mower blade fits your mower.

GARTENZEILE recommends

Our knives stand for perfect cutting results and the best catching properties. See what the experts at GARTENZEILE think of our knives.

to the video on YouTube
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Quality "Made in Germany"

Our mower blades made of tempered steel, manufactured in Germany, offer top quality, durability and short transport routes – ideal for you and the environment.

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Unrivalled catching properties

More wings, more wind: Our catching blades ensure clean mowing and excellent grass and leaf collection, even in wet conditions. No rework required, just the best results.


Best cutting performance

Our blades ensure a perfect, even cut for a well-groomed, lush lawn - regardless of its condition and without double mowing.

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frequently asked Questions

regarding our lawn mower blades

The developer of the RasenExpert lawn mower blades, Master Bunkowski, wanted to breathe a little life into the colorless world of replacement blades. He succeeded wonderfully with his favorite color, red!

We are very proud of our 100% Made in Germany production in beautiful Brehna, Saxony-Anhalt.

This lawn mower blade is particularly popular with lawn professionals with a Honda lawn mower. They often buy this blade because they have a Honda HR194 lawn mower, for example. In addition, many of our blades are also compatible with other manufacturers and models. The best way to do this is to look at the top of the page under the Compatible Models tab.